We love the great outdoors and the physical and mental health benefits that mother nature has to offer all over the year. xRovers bring you much fun during summer and warmer periods of the year, but now you can keep you driving easily in winter as well with xRover Skis.
We wanted our joggers and rehab buggies to have a first class ride, gliding over the rutted, snow packed pathways and floating over the snow. Bringing joy and happiness to exploring this winter wonderland as a family. As avid winter sports fans with engineering, manufacturing and health care specialist expertise, we began designing and combining. And xRover Skis are here!
We know how important is to have a quick and easy product to attach to the existing wheel, to avoid those meltdown moments, when joggers and rehab buggies are stucked in snow. No tools needed to fit, adjust or remove the skis. Strong and durable to carry our passenger safely and to look good on our xRover. Tested in demanding conditions at the foothills of the mountains, where we had the perfect testing grounds.
Our products are independently tested under Laboratory controlled conditions at -20, in real outdoor winter conditions up to -40°C Series of strength, durability, safety and functionality testing is performed